
Headmaster's Blog

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  • Published on 28/06/24 by Natalie Hunt

    Living in the real world

    Earlier this week, I enjoyed a couple of days in the glorious Peak District with a Y10 Duke of Edinburgh expedition. Many of you know that pupils are only allowed to carry one emergency phone per group in a sealed plastic envelope (and easily accessible to all group members). They actually really en...
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  • Published on 21/06/24 by Natalie Hunt

    Creating Opportunities

    As I write, it was exactly one year ago (the night of the Y12 parents’ evening) when it rained indoors at LGS and we had to shut the school the following day to clear up the mess! Fortunately, no-one was hurt, and we were able to repair the extensive damage, covered by our insurance. Such trib...
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  • Published on 14/06/24 by Natalie Hunt

    Bright Sparks

    I hope that you will be able to attend our Bright Sparks STEM fair tomorrow between 10 and 3, bringing family and friends; it promises to be an exciting day of displays, hands-on activities and the joy of discovery!
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  • Published on 07/06/24 by Natalie Hunt

    Planning for a happy and successful future

    Many thanks to those of you who were able to attend last night’s Parent Forum, and for your contributions to the discussion. This formed part of our considerations as we build a new Trust Development Plan and School Action Plans for the academic years 2024-27. We are self-reflective as a sc...
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  • Published on 24/05/24 by Natalie Hunt

    Habitually healthy

    Some of you may have seen a news headline yesterday: British children are world leaders in inactivity. A WHO survey looked at the lives of children aged 11, 13 and 15 living in Europe, central Asia and Canada, including more than 4,000 in England. By age 15, just 11 per cent of girls and 16 per c...
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  • Published on 17/05/24 by Natalie Hunt

    Make a life by what you give

    Our Year 13 pupils departed on Wednesday for study leave, with our very best wishes for a successful examination series before they return for Sports Day and Leavers’ Service in July.
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  • Published on 10/05/24 by Natalie Hunt

    We are Leicester Grammar School

    I am very pleased to inform you that we have been shortlisted alongside seven other schools nationally for the TES (Times Educational Supplement) Independent Senior School of the Year award.
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  • Published on 03/05/24 by Natalie Hunt

    Live like a rhino!

    It’s always a joy to celebrate the numerous achievements and endeavours of our young people as they together make the most of their opportunities in diverse aspects of school life. In Tuesday's assembly, I will highlight successes in sport, music, Young Enterprise, charity, Chemistry Olymp...
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  • Published on 26/04/24 by Natalie Hunt

    It's fine to be you - but make the most of it!

    I was intrigued to read this headline from the Metro earlier this week: ‘Your surname could be ruining your career, study finds’.  The article (https://metro.co.uk/2024/04/22/name-determine-well-school-study-finds-20693104) cites recent research from the University of Michigan wh...
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  • Published on 19/04/24 by Natalie Hunt

    Keeping up with reality

    Thank you to those who braved the very changeable weather to attend our AI Information Evening on Tuesday, and thank you too to my colleagues who presented. I know that all parents have received the slides (see PDF below).
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  • Published on 15/03/24 by Natalie Hunt

    A genuine fake?

    I imagine that many of us were somewhat intrigued by the withdrawal by photo agencies of the Mother’s Day picture of the Princess of Wales and her children because of likely manipulation. She later apologised over any confusion caused, saying she herself had edited aspects.
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  • Published on 08/03/24 by Natalie Hunt


    We all thrive on inspiration. Our pupils want to be inspired by their teachers, although all of us realise that won’t happen 100% of the time! And teachers in turn need to seek their own inspiration in the subjects they love in order to inspire their ‘disciples’ (the Latin ‘d...
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