
Pastoral Care

Pupils’ wellbeing is an important priority for leaders. The school has made a significant investment in increasing the capacity of those responsible for pupils’ pastoral care so that pupils are supported emotionally as well as academically.

The Independent Schools Inspectorate (www.isi.net)

Pastoral care is the provision we make as a school to look after the physical, emotional and spiritual welfare of all of our pupils. It is the essential foundation upon which learning can take place; recent studies have shown that pupils who have good overall physical and mental health and a positive sense of wellbeing are likely to achieve better academically. At Leicester Grammar our pastoral care extends to every aspect of school life in order to foster our pupils’ personal development and encourage each individual to do and be their best.  On a day to day basis this is reflected in our friendly and respectful staff-pupil relationships; our pupils are known and treated as individuals by their teachers. 

We are committed to providing and maintaining a safe and caring environment for all members of our school community and this environment is based on our school values of respect, trust, courage, curiosity and community (agreed by pupils and staff May 2020) and underpinned by the principle of kindness.  Leicester Grammar School is a secure and considerate environment in which bullying and anti-social behaviour are not tolerated.