
Being human together

I am always pleased when pupils talk about the importance of kindness towards others in our school community and beyond. It is certainly a message which we seek consistently to convey and behaviour which we hope that our staff and senior pupils model every day.

It is also one of the sub-headings under our school value of ‘Respect’: for self, others and our environment; kindness, courtesy, humility, tolerance, care, encouragement. And, in turn, ‘Respect’ features amongst the British Values of Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance, Individual Liberty. It should furthermore inform our pupils’ attitudes to the Protected Characteristics of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief and sex.

Although we expose them to those lists (and are required to do so as part of their education), we don’t expect them to know them by rote. Far more important is the expectation that they live out those values and that they inform the way in which they look at the world and interact with each other. With you, we aim to nurture young adults who will be tolerant in their understanding of others but intolerant of any form of abuse or discrimination which relates to those Protected Characteristics.

We are in the process of selecting new Prefects and I asked the current team for their view both of the qualities we were looking for and of potential candidates from the Year 12 cohort. They were quick to identify pupils who demonstrated approachability, friendliness and care towards others, especially younger pupils, and those who are not only involved in a range of school activities, but whose involvement positively impacts the lives of those around them.

What emerges from these discussions is a consensus around what it means to be a decent and considerate human being, which in turn brings out the humanity in others. It’s happily contagious.

My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.
(Desmond Tutu)

Best wishes,

John Watson
Headmaster and Principal