
Safety first

I am delighted that so many pupils were able to benefit from school trips during half-term, and I am sure that many others are looking forward to various opportunities over the next few months, ranging from subject-related day trips to Duke of Edinburgh Award, residential field courses and our June Activities Week. We take the safety and wellbeing of our pupils very seriously, and I am very grateful to all those staff who plan, write risk assessments, train in first aid and understand the medical and pastoral needs of the children in their care. It is a significant responsibility to take a large group of children away, and I was very pleased to hear such good reports of pupils’ behaviour and participation from tired but happy trip leaders last week! Indeed, our success and happiness as a school community depend hugely on the positive and respectful relationships which we build between pupils, and between pupils and staff. We very much appreciated the email from a parent to the relevant staff, which perceptively conveyed the balance which we attempt to achieve on trips:

From what I hear, you managed the delicate challenge of providing a safe and rule bound environment with a relaxed holiday atmosphere. In fact, the teachers were all described as "chilled" which I understand is a compliment of a high level indeed......We were never worried about him or his welfare and care.

I have spoken to pupils this week about the importance of safety and vigilance on site, especially as we spend more time outdoors in the glorious sunshine. All staff wear lanyards, and pupils know that they can speak to any of us if they have questions or concerns; it is very important that we are accessible and approachable and, as parents, you want to know that your children will be safe and happy in school. At the same time, I reminded pupils that we would respond very seriously to the bringing onto site of any harmful items or substances (as listed in our code of conduct) which could pose a risk to themselves or other members of our community. Where we have less control and supervision, of course, is outside school, though we aim to equip pupils through Life Education with the knowledge and understanding which enable them (we hope) to make considered and moral decisions. As your children grow up and you rightly give them more independence, please ensure that you know where they are and with whom, and we would also request that you support us in school by not allowing underage drinking at parties or when your children invite friends to your homes.

Our site services team do their best to manage the safety of all those who use a very busy car park, and we are grateful to the vast majority of parents who park with care and consideration. It is vital, please, that you do not park on yellow, hatched areas or on the pavement alongside the driveway up to school: doing so jeopardises the safety of your and others’ children. That same driveway currently has newborn lambs gambolling in the fields alongside it and will soon be bedecked with golden daffodils. Spring is on the way!

Best wishes,

John Watson
Headmaster and Principal