
Planning for a happy and successful future

Many thanks to those of you who were able to attend last night’s Parent Forum, and for your contributions to the discussion.

This formed part of our considerations as we build a new Trust Development Plan and School Action Plans for the academic years 2024-27. We are self-reflective as a school, committed to a continuous cycle of review and improvement, so that we are best preparing your children for an exciting life in an ever-changing world! That is why we constantly monitor and refine our plans, amending or identifying new priorities as we respond to feedback or events, within school, education and the wider world. Last term, we refreshed our SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis and met as school leaders with Trustees for a strategy day. This was informed by discussions in our three schools, inspection findings and surveys (parents, pupils, staff) and the numerous opportunities for pupil voice and advocacy.

Trustees reaffirmed our 2030 vision (formulated at an earlier strategy day, two weeks before the first Covid school closure):

Each of our schools will have:

  • Excellent academic outcomes and co-curricular opportunities. 
  • Innovative teaching and learning supported by a digital strategy. 
  • A forward-looking and stimulating curriculum. 
  • An environmental focus with outstanding facilities. 
  • An international/ global outlook.

Each of our schools will be:  

  • Financially secure and adequately flexible to invest in developing our pupils and staff. 
  • A community with clear ethos and values. 
  • A community where well-being is promoted. 
  • A community which prioritises public benefit and outreach. 

We are now in the process of maturing our strategic objectives and plans for the next three years, and I was able to share some of this with parents last night, and to hear their views. Our presentation was entitled ‘Planning for a happy and successful future’, which applies both to our pupils and to our schools, as we and our families embrace the opportunities as well as the considerable challenges of the times. As ever, we will enter this next phase with optimism and an unwavering belief in the enormous potential of every child in our care, while also wishing to do our best to support and work with the families in our community. As mentioned before half-term, we will keep you updated on any developments, and you should not hesitate to contact me if you were unable to attend last night but are nevertheless keen to contribute your thoughts to our planning.

Best wishes,

John Watson
Headmaster and Principal