Peace Garden Comes Alive
On Tuesday 18 June, we were delighted to welcome Heather Taylor from the RHS to LGS. Headmaster, Mr Watson and Heather planted the two 'Compassion' roses which will grow over the memorial arch. Mr Watson and Heather were ably assisted by pupils from Year 6 at both LGS and LGJS.
This morning's planting is the result of LGS entering, and going on to win, the Royal Horticultural Society Green Plan It Challenge. Six pupils from years 8 and 9 designed a World War One memorial garden, relating features in the garden not only to the War, but to the history of our local area and to its position within the School. For instance, they designed a poppy mosaic in the centre of the garden with words from the different languages that are taught in the rooms surrounding the garden. They also had an arch made of wire as a reminder of the wire in the trenches and round the prisoner of war camps.
As winners, we were eligible to apply for funding to build the garden. Dr Ewers put in an application, specifying certain features of the garden that we could actually incorporate to extend the existing peace garden at the back of the library. We were also very pleased to receive donations from the Friends of LGS and Old Leicestrians to bring the garden to life.
Well done to the Green Plan It Challenge team:
- Erica F 8E
- Anupam C 8B
- Milly K 9C
- Ayaan A 9A
- Dan S 9E
- Dominic S 9B
We look forward to enjoying the enhanced surroundings and eatching the garden grow in time.