

We have welcomed some of you to parents’ evenings this week, and I hope that they have proved helpful and encouraging. Our Year 7s have just begun their LGS journey, whilst our Year 12s should be giving earnest consideration to their next destination – whether it be university, an apprenticeship, the world of work or a gap year.on for your blog post here.


We have welcomed some of you to parents’ evenings this week, and I hope that they have proved helpful and encouraging. Our Year 7s have just begun their LGS journey, whilst our Year 12s should be giving earnest consideration to their next destination – whether it be university, an apprenticeship, the world of work or a gap year.

We never as parents want to wish the time away, but those school years fly by as our children increasingly narrow their focus on the subjects which most appeal to them and in which they are strongest. The curriculum up to GCSEs is deliberately and appropriately broad and therefore limits the risk of making ‘wrong’ choices, whilst the selection of A levels is more likely to determine a future direction. Even then, it is not unusual for students to begin with little certainty over their post-18 path or choice of career. And there is not necessarily anything wrong with that, as of most importance is the enjoyment of their learning and of a cohesive selection which will leave numerous doors open to them. Some will then opt for more vocational courses, and others will deepen their knowledge and understanding of a discipline which trains their mind and forms a very strong basis for further training in all manner of possible jobs or for further research.

Our role in this is to provide balanced, comprehensive and up-to-date advice which enables our pupils to make wise and informed decisions.

I was delighted to hear from Mr Longson, our Head of Careers, that we had again been awarded Career Mark (Platinum) for the support we give to our pupils. This underlines our commitment to providing strong guidance and to preparing our pupils for the world of work:


‘Career Mark is a Licensed Awarding Body for the Quality in Careers Standard — the national careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) award. Career Mark uses five standards to assess the Quality in Careers Standard, covering a school’s provision of Management, Guidance, Curriculum, Information, and Learner Outcomes. It includes an assessment in two stages: firstly, a portfolio assessment, using the standards a school has to explain its provision of CEIAG and provide evidence to support it; secondly, a day-long onsite assessment takes place, when an assessor meets with pupils and assesses the impact of the provision to ensure that what is said  in the portfolio is having the  desired outcomes. Leicester Grammar School has held the award since 2002.’

Our hope is that our pupils leave us as adaptable learners, with a love of discovery which will accompany them through life. It is hard to gauge the full impact of Artificial Intelligence on the workplace of the future, nor do we know exactly which jobs will become obsolete and what will replace them. It has also been suggested that our youngsters will enjoy several careers rather than taking a distinctive single path. Whatever the case, we must ensure that they leave us equipped and ready to make the most of all the opportunities and challenges which will come their way.

Best wishes,

John Watson


Headmaster and Chief Executive