
Headmaster's Blog

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  • Published on 01/03/24 by Natalie Hunt

    'Smart' phone use?

    I hope that the wet weather did not curtail any family plans over half-term and that our pupils have returned refreshed and ready to enjoy more spring-like days. I am grateful to staff who accompanied trips to Berlin (Art and German), Valencia (Spanish exchange) and Italy (ski trip.); I know how muc...
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  • Published on 16/02/24 by Natalie Hunt

    Our best advocates

    I have never seen myself as a salesman, but that is in effect what I am as I do my best to convince prospective parents that an LGS education is the best investment they can make for their child(ren). We only have one chance at education, and it is a precious gift, often made possible only through s...
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  • Published on 09/02/24 by Natalie Hunt

    Safety first

    I have been an independent schools inspector since 2004 and have just returned from inspecting a school in Essex. Because I have visited many different schools as a senior leader, I am used to ‘taking the temperature’ fairly quickly and judging whether it is a calm, purposeful and happy...
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  • Published on 02/02/24 by Natalie Hunt

    Engage brain

    I don’t have super-neat handwriting and sometimes even struggle to read a rapidly scrawled note to myself. I certainly pity my very patient PA! Of course, when I try harder, I can be neater, although I type so much nowadays that it does sometimes demand an effort. Our pupils, of course, are ev...
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  • Published on 26/01/24 by Natalie Hunt

    For whom we serve

    It has been a very busy week, but one which has made me immensely proud of our school community. Many thanks to all those parents who took the time to give feedback to the inspectors about their children’s experience. That feedback was hugely positive and supportive of our aspirations, clea...
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  • Published on 19/01/24 by Natalie Hunt

    Thrive, not just survive

    Our Year 11 and Year 13 pupils have recently completed their Trial (mock) examinations and are currently receiving their results. We know that this can be an anxious time for them, especially where they are targeting certain grades in the summer for university entry. So, we stress that mock examinat...
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  • Published on 12/01/24 by Natalie Hunt

    The educational journey

    I hope that you enjoyed a happy and restful time with family over the festive break, and I wish you many blessings for 2024. I was heartened yesterday when discussing January with some Sixth Formers that by Monday we will enjoy 9 minutes’ more daylight – so we can certainly look forward...
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  • Published on 08/12/23 by Natalie Hunt

    Healthy habits for life

    This week (indoors!), our U16 girls’ netball team celebrated a significant victory (40-21) against a strong all-girls' school in Birmingham - in fact, the only Midlands school to achieve more highly than us at A-level this year! This is all the more special given that this term is our hock...
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  • Published on 01/12/23 by Natalie Hunt

    Cause for celebration

    I am delighted to share this news with you, ahead of the publication of the Sunday Times ‘Parent Power’ supplement this weekend. Credit for these accolades is owed to all members of our school community: pupils, teaching and support staff, trustees and you, our parents, who entrus...
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  • Published on 24/11/23 by Natalie Hunt


    I hope you’ve enjoyed the recent glorious sunrises as much as I have and that you’re looking forward to a Saturday which promises to be bright and crisp. I will certainly get outdoors to watch school rugby in the morning and then for a walk in the country in the afternoon. I am sure that...
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  • Published on 17/11/23 by Natalie Hunt

    The Power of Words

    Public figures and celebrities do not unfortunately always set the best example through what they say or write, seemingly giving inadequate thought to the consequences. I will not comment on the political scene, apart from bemoaning the apparent global lack of principled, inspiring and sensitive rol...
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  • Published on 10/11/23 by Natalie Hunt

    Enjoying a dynamic learning community

    I meet with lots of pupils at this time of year, and they never cease to amaze and amuse me! I have just started my round of Prep and Year 7 visits, so that I can begin to get to know our younger pupils as they embark on their LGS journey. It is also their opportunity to ask me any questions they...
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