Living in the present moment
It is great to see school in full flow again, with pupils settling quickly to their studies and enjoying their sport, music and many other activities. Rehearsals for this year’s major drama production, Beauty and the Beast, have begun and Wednesday evening’s Art and Design Technology exhibition was testimony to some outstanding creativity, skills-development and dedication. Above all, there are lots of happy faces (pupils and teachers!), as well as a conspicuous commitment from staff and senior pupils to help, guide and support those with any questions or concerns.
We know that education is a life-changer, and I will sometimes remind pupils that their contemporaries in other parts of the world may walk miles to benefit from it. I am therefore very grateful to our parents for working so hard to give the precious gift of an LGS education to their children – and it is our responsibility to make it as good as possible.
We will be talking about that partnership in our ‘Meet the Tutor’ evenings over the next fortnight – about how we can work together, with shared values, to support the growth of our young people towards generous and fulfilling adulthood. We will also talk about how you can support each other with expectations outside school – over good homework habits, safe social events, limited screentime and monitored internet access.
I know as a father how quickly those school years fly by. And I also know that children only have one chance at their education in school. So, it is really important that we help them to grasp their opportunities and to make the best use of their unique talents and personal qualities. In order to do that successfully, they need to maximise their attendance at school, with their teachers and peers, as the time can never be regained.
If your child is obviously ill, please keep them at home, but please otherwise do your best to ensure that they make the most of their time in education – for that is also their due. According to new statutory Government guidance, holidays during term-time will not be authorised, with exceptions only made for family weddings or religious ceremonies (one day), when a day’s overseas travel either side will also be authorised where necessary.
We know that some of our pupils will sometimes have concerns or anxiety related to school or life outside school. In those situations, they are never alone. We are keen to work with parents and to lend support and care to the individual – but this is clearly done most effectively in school.
Our pupils’ adolescent lives will not be without challenges, and we should aim not only to be sympathetic and supportive, but also to help them build resilience for their future adventures! The vast majority of our pupils learn to celebrate the ‘ups’ and to confront the ‘downs’, enjoying a very happy and positive school career. That is certainly my hope for your child(ren) this year.
Best wishes,
John Watson
Headmaster and Principal