
We are Leicester Grammar School

I am very pleased to inform you that we have been shortlisted alongside seven other schools nationally for the TES (Times Educational Supplement) Independent Senior School of the Year award.

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The school's entry is entitled: 'Academic enrichment combined with increased support for wellbeing: a winning formula'. It reflects the outstanding achievements of pupils, as a result of academic inspiration within and beyond the classroom, supported by a focus on community and individual wellbeing and care.

Our story is quite special: Leicester Grammar School is the most recently founded large independent school in the country. Attracting pupils from both city and county, it has become a proudly diverse and 'grounded' school with a strong academic reputation stemming from a very positive culture of pupil support and development. Our success and happiness as a school today derive from this culture which blends ambition with individual care and a very strong sense of outward-looking community. We have shifted the focus from 'delivering' academic success to nurturing and coaching young people as curious self-starters with a conspicuous sense of agency for their futures, as well as a strong desire to improve the life of their own school community and the society in which they live.

At the very heart of the school, of course, is our bright and spacious Library, which reflects our emphasis both on independent study and discovery and on an enjoyment of reading, and the imagination and creativity which this inspires. So, I am also delighted to report that we have also met the criteria to merit a GOLD Schools Library Service UK Award. This comes atop our recent revalidation of the Quality in Careers Award at Platinum level for the 22nd consecutive year, demonstrating the sustained high quality and enhancement of our Careers programme.

I should reassure you that we do not chase these awards simply to ‘get the badge’. They represent our pride in our school community as we aspire always to provide our pupils with a transformational education.

Best wishes,

John Watson
Headmaster and Principal